We’re not quite sure if this is the correct name for these parts, but we call them the top pans as the top bows fold into them. As with the rest of the car, they were quite rusty, so we’re making new ones as well as repairing the areas they are welded to.

We drilled the spot welds out so we could keep much of the old, rusty part as a pattern.

We then made a patch for the surrounding area, tacked it in place, finish welded it, and ground the welds smooth.

To make the top pan, we made a hammerform for its main shape out of hardwood.

We then shaped the first flange in the hammerform, then used a bead roller for the next flange.

We’re going to hold off on finish welding the top pan into place until we have the body on the frame and the doors fitted, but it’s now correctly shaped and ready for welding.