This set of MGB stub axles was sent to us for installation of a new set of kingpins. Some of the hard work had been done already, including removing the upper trunnions. We received a new set of upper trunnions so there’s a good chance there was some serious damage done to them in the disassembly process.

The first order of business was to remove a stubborn grease zerk which had broken off inside the stub axle. We drilled out the remainder of it and then chased and tapped the hole for a new zerk.

We masked off the spindles and then blasted and cleaned everything to remove all of the corrosion and road grime. We drove out the old bushings and then drove in new bushings, being careful to make sure the holes lined up with the grease fittings.

Once installed, the bushings need to be reamed to fit the new kingpins. Our specialty reamer is designed for this particular job. Several passes ensure all of the extra bronze is removed and everything is cleaned before assembly.

The new kingpins are installed after the freshly-painted dust-excluders are reinstalled, and the upper trunnions and bronze bushings are fit with the aid of shims. Once happy with the fit, we install the locknut, clean the excess oil from the assemblies, and paint them.