Directions to Eclectic Motorworks
Directions from Grand Rapids and East:
- Take the 16th /Adams Street Exit into Holland
- Go about 5 miles on 16th Street
- Past the light at Van Raalte Ave., start looking for Ottawa Ave. across from Heinz.
- Turn Left on to Ottawa Avenue
- Go to 22nd Street
- Turn right on 22nd Street
- Second business on right, 445 West 22nd Street
Directions from Chicago and West/South:
- Take Exit 44 (exit left on to I 196-US 31, Holland/Muskegon)
- Go 2 miles to Exit 47B, 31 Business
Exit left
- Go to Washington Avenue exit.
- Go straight on to Washington Avenue.
- At 3rd traffic light, turn left on 32nd Street
Go ½ mile to first light at Ottawa Avenue.
- Turn right on to Ottawa Avenue
- Go to 22nd Street.
- Turn left on to 22nd Street
- Second business on right, 445 West 22nd Street
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